Monday, June 12, 2017

Florida: Peacocks in Crandon Park

On Key Biscayne, just a short drive from downtown Miami, resides Crandon Park Zoo, which is an abandoned zoo and Miami's oldest zoo.  It has been abandoned, and you can see the animal cages opened up.  The cages are much smaller than modern zoos, as the zoo was only running from the 1940s to 1980s.  But a visit to this abandoned zoo will still show you a ton of wildlife as this is clearly still the animals' home.  There were an abundance of peacocks roaming the former zoo, as seen below.

Florida: Lizards of Crandon Park

Below are some of the enormous lizards that are found in Crandon Park in Key Biscayne in South Florida - just a short drive from Miami.  The park was overrun with these creatures - one popping out of the grass in every direction that you looked.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Florida: The Orange Grasshopper

Florida's Eastern Lubber grasshopper, shown below, is one of the most clumsy yet beautiful bugs I've seen.  They have only one predator in Florida and therefore are abundant and not shy in their habitats.  Their bright colors serve as a warning to other animals that they are poisonous.  You can learn more about these odd creatures on their wikipedia page.

Florida: Blue Crab

Below is a Blue Crab that was walking around in Coral Gables area of Miami.