Saturday, March 31, 2018

Washington: Cherry Blossom Season

Springtime in Washington, DC is best known for the blossoming cherry blossoms that surround the National Mall.  The trees are beautiful in full bloom, but they also attract a ton of crowds to see them during their short peak-bloom period.  

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Virginia: Red-tailed Hawk

The Red-Tailed Hawk is a bird of prey from North America that is prevalent in the mid-Atlantic.  Below are some close-up shots of the red-tailed hawk in Virginia.  

Monday, March 19, 2018

Washington DC: Lions at the Zoo

 The Smithsonian's National Zoo is free entry and is a great place to stroll around and see some fun animals.  Below is one of the lions prancing around on a Saturday morning.  And then resting.   

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Washington DC: Animals at the Zoo

 The Smithsonian's National Zoo is located in Cleveland Park in NW Washington, DC.  Lucky for me - its a short walk from my house.  So with being so close and free entry, its a great place to pop into occasionally to go for a walk or run and see some cool animals.  Below are photos of a Beaver, a Bald Eagle, a Cheetah, a grey seal, a meerkat and then an orangutan.  

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Washington DC: Portraits in the East Building

 Shooting portraits in the great lighting at the National Gallery of Art East Building.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

New York: The Naked Cowboy

I spent a few hours today watching and photographing the famous Naked Cowboy.  In Times Square these days, there are so many street vendors and buskers that it'd be impossible to walk through without encountering some Disney creature dress-up or another.  So, someone dressed as a Naked Cowboy shouldn't really be all that different or special from the other spectacles in Times Square.

But after watching the Naked Cowboy for a few moments, I quickly realized how different he was from all the other street peddlers - because he was incredibly business savvy and hard-working.  I was learning from him and admiring his strategy the longer I watched.

After watching him, I learned his strategies for consistently getting money:
1- He always kept moving.  If a minute or two went by where the crowd was dead or at a lull, he'd move to another part of Times Square.  And even when he was in one general area, he was always pacing and moving - looking out for people who was interested in him.
2- The second someone started looking at him or taking a photo from afar, he instantly posed for their photo and sometimes signaled them over to get in the photo with him.  But by posing, he was luring them in to give him a few dollars afterwards.
3- He was always strumming his guitar and playing upbeat songs - maximizing his approachability.  He looked fun!
4- He didn't mesh with the other street vendors.  Many of the other characters chatted amongst each other to pass the time - which made themselves less approachable bc they were all huddled together.  The Naked Cowboy was always on his own, looking for tourists.
5- Sponsorships.  The postcards he gave out were sponsored and branded.  His underwear was branded.  His guitar promoted his wine you could buy online.  Diversified revenue streams.

I was impressed by the business-savvy of this street busker - but I guess you'd have to be to become as well known for being naked as he is.

New York: Blackman

He corrected me... he's not Batman.  He's Blackman.  I kind of liked it.